The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cliff Schecter explains travesty of the  Bundy Ranch occupiers getting acquitted for their armed occupation of an Oregon Wild Life refuge. The invasion of Native American lands in North Dakota. Will the acquittal lead to more Right Wing terrorism? Racism and the rule of law. Can Trump win North Carolina or Florida and Democrats look set to retake the Senate?

Judy Gold likes the MR idea of Bruce Springsteen getting deputized to arrest Chris Christie. Judy Gold hates Chris Christie because she went to high school with guys like him. Conservative Amanda Carpenter calls out the GOP for sexism. The evolution of feminist humor and why isn't Hillary Clinton invited to Hillary Clinton events?

Alex Jones is most certainly not anti-semitic. Mike Pence is offended to be called out for voter suppression. Horrific abuse and attacks on Native American protestors in North Dakota and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors. Children International.  

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Direct download: 10-28-16-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST