Wed, 31 August 2016
Paul Heideman, a PHD candidate in sociology at NYC explains the opportunity that the left saw to takeover the Democratic Party in the 1960s. Pushing the Dixiecrats out of the Democratic Party. When the Democrats were a southern regional party. Capital intensive industries and coming to terms with the FDR Democratic Party. Where the Left right and wrong in splitting up the Democratic Party in the 1960s. The progressive organizers who organized the split. Why blindness to the power of capital blinded progressive reformers. George Meany and Right Wing labor politics and understanding the power of tech capital in today's Democratic Party. On The Fun Half: Alan Greyson loses his Senate primary bid to corporate Democrat Patrick Murphy. Did the progressive movement fail Tim Canova? Fox News splits over Hillary Clinton's Alt Right speech. Michelle Bachman says that God gave us Donald Trump. A Kentucky convict was refused a pair of pants and women's hygiene products by prison authorities and a ethical Judge puts a stop to the abuse. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a Member!