Thu, 27 August 2015
Author Colin Woodward, of American Nations: A History of the Eleven, explains the 11 America's and how the different groups that founded America still shape our politics and culture today. Understanding our divisions in the American story. Have the fault lines in regional culture grown in recent history? Is mobility increasing our division. How do you balance individual freedom and group freedom. Who are the America's Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are talking to. And why Trump is hurting the Republican Party well into the future. On The Fun Half: The practical realities of Islamophobia. Terrorist plots against American Muslims. More problems with Sam Harris. Fox' Five explain how hard it is to be white. A Trump supporter tells Jorge Ramos to get out of his country. Insane conspiracy theories about the Virginia shootings. Sam Harris thinks that European fascists get Islam? Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |