The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Journalist David Dayen, talks about Netroots, Sandra Bland, and Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley poor responses to Black Lives Matter over the weekend.

Elon James, journalist and CEO of This Week in Blackness furthers the discussion with his take on Sanders and O'Malley at Netroots, what still needs to be done to empower the disempowered, and what we should expect moving forward.

On the Fun Half: Republican Caller wants to turn white-collar criminals into farmers and put horses on the border, Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter. Sam suggests that all Republicans should drop out until their ready to be serious about policy. Trump doxes Lindsey Graham, and as always your calls and IMS.

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Direct download: 07-21-15-David_Dayen-Elon_James_White-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EDT