The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Wendy Brown a Professor of Political Science at the University of California Berkeley and author of Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution explains the idea of Demos and how it drives our Democracy. How Neoliberalism shrinks our capacity to be human and undermines democracy. Are human beings only economic? The debate inside extreme Neoliberalism. The effort to engineer the Neoliberal human. Why Neoliberal state is not small. How Neoliberalism organically moves into every sphere of life. How value works in modern Capitalism. How Facebook became what it is. How to read Citizens United through the Neoliberal lens. Also the lost loss of Liberal Arts education.

On The Fun Half: More on the craziness of mass testing. Debating the merits of testing. Is TPP going to not pass in the Senate? Sherrod Brown calls President Obama out on TPP lies. Does Mitt Romney still want to run for President? Andrea Tantaros says the last acceptable form of discrimination in this country is against white men. Also your calls and IMs.

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