The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Journalist Rafia Zakaria explains the brutal track record of the Taliban and ISIS in attacking women, the all female ISIS brigade that monitors women, medieval imagery, Islamic insurgencies, the Orientalist imagination and how to address global human rights systemically.

Congressman Mo Brooks says there is a "war on white people"

On The Fun Half: Congressman Steven King confronted by two Dream Act young adults, a former Israeli General says there are no civilians in Gaza, Stephen Colbert owns anti public education spokesperson, a children's Open Carry book, the myth of the "fake" geek girl, Fox ignores the Benghazi report and your IMs.

And Members watch today’s show on Youtube

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Direct download: 08-05-14-Rafia_Zakaria-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm EST