Wed, 2 April 2014
Professor Jake Rosenfeld author of What Unions No Longer Do, explains the reasons behind the declining power of unions, the history of American anti unionism, the role of Taft-Hartley in suppressing union power, why American unions are more decentralized, the structural obstacles labor faces, the distinctions between public and private sector unions, what unions no longer do, all the ways unions helped reduce inequality and create opportunity, the cultural benefits of unions, how organized labor can rebuild itself by explaining the connection between the inequality crisis and declining union power recent defeats of labor organizing in Washington and Tennessee and the importance of NCAA athlete union organizing. Josh Orton the Political Director for Progressives United explains how the Supreme Court's McCutcheon ruling will open up politics to more corporate money and special interest domination, what specific financial rules were struck down, why the Roberts majority on the Supreme Court is being willfully ignorant about corruption, how the decision further distorts the relationship between politicians and corporate special interests, the Roberts push for corporate rights, why we need clean elections now and Andrew Cuomo's betrayal on clean elections. On The Fun Half: Pat Robertson says Jews are to busy polishing diamonds to fix cars, how liberals can build a progressive movement and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here! And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 04-02-14-Jake_Rosenfeld-Josh_Orton-PUB.mp3
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