The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Professor Juan Cole gave a regional overview of recent events in the Middle East, cleared up some of the confusion on the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, described a poor security situation in Libya and noted that the transitional government is making slow progress there. Cole noted that the Protests in Cairo were small and considered a failure by Egyptian standards, but that President Morsi's response to the demonstrations was problematic and may alter US-Egyptian relations.

And on the Better Half: Mitt Romney is a preparing his presidential transition...Sam and crew laugh at this, Scott Brown campaign staffers give meaning to the word "Masshole", polling data shows the only white working class voters Obama has no traction with are in the south also Lady Gaga "a slut" for smoking weed according to a prominent Staten Island Republican.

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Direct download: 09-25-12-Juan-Cole.PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST