Tue, 21 August 2012
On today's show The Nation's Ari Berman joined Sam to discuss the latest news out of Pennsylvania where a state Judge has uphold the voter ID law and movement to protect voter rights is growing. Sam and Ari agreed that Democrats need to spend political capital on this issue for both moral and political reasons. Sam was then joined by Slate and Pandagon contributing writer, Amanda Marcotte who explained that Todd Akin's rape comments are reflective of the thinking of the anti choice movement. She and Sam also noticed the disturbing new usage of the term "forcible rape" as if there was any other kind and Amanda chalked it up to the Christian Rights "magical" worldview. And Sam reported on the latest finding on the CIA/NYPD Muslim surveillance program. One big takeaway: all that spying did not produce a single lead!
Direct download: 8-21-12-Ari_Berman-Amanda_Marcotte-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EST |