The Majority Report with Sam Seder


New Republic Senior Editor Brian Beutler explains the new split inside the conservative legal movement. What is the Federalist Society and what does it do. Why conservative judicial activists are moving even further away from "restraint". Randy Barnett and the Libertarian faction of the Federalist Society. How a little known legal case called Lochner is being used to undermine the New Deal. Why the Right is now the faction of radical Court activism. The Republican internal debate about John Roberts. And what's next for the Republican leadership?

On The Fun Half: The head of Planned Parenthood owns Republican Congressman trying to shame her organization. More incredible lies about Planned Parenthood. Congressman Glenn Grothman explains why as 'a guy' he does not need Planned Parenthood. The GMO debate continues. A Major Majority Report announcement and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-30-15-Brian_Beutler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST