The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Columbia Law Professor and progressive candidate for Lt. Governor of New York, Tim Wu explains the battle for the soul of the Democratic Party, the national implications of the New York race, why Andrew Cuomo needs to be defeated, the many problems with the proposed Comcast Time Warner merger, fighting healthcare mergers, the possibility of Tim Wu winning and Zephyr Teachout losing, how Teachout and Wu could both win, the corporate special interest driven Cuomo Administration, why we should ban fracking, the battle to restore net neutrality and what is "dynamic" regulation.

On The Fun Half: Rafael Cruz says that the "average black does not understand" the minimum wage, Antonin Scalia's death penalty poster case turns out to be based on a wrongful conviction, debating the rise of Isis, Michael Bloomberg wants to be CEO of his old company again, Random Rush on the Fast Workers strikes and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 09-04-14-Tim_Wu-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST