The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Investigative Journalist Chris Woods explains when the Iraqi Government requested that the Obama Administration bring drones back to Iraq, the higher rates of airstrikes in Iraq, the Libya model and the fight against Isis, what US airstrikes have focused on so far, who controls the Mosul Dam now? Why have the Iraqi Army divisions collapsed so quickly? Isis and the broader Sunni revolt, what does backing Syrian moderates mean, why defeating Isis is not enough, how do we know what winning means? Why there are no honest brokers in Syria, why the Middle East needs a peace strategy, how Isis is using horrific cruelty and social media to bring the West back in the region and why Syria will be more complicated than Iraq.

On The Fun Half: Lindsey Graham says we need to bomb Isis before they kill us all, Texas Sheriff tells Fox & Friend's co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck that he will send any Isis he sees coming over the border straight to hell, what is Obama trying to do in Iraq? The Palin family get into a brawl and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 09-15-14-Chris_Woods-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST