Thu, 13 September 2012
On today's show Sam was joined by Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald to discuss the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute murder cases related to the Bush Administration’s torture program in Afghanistan and Iraq.Glenn explained that this investigation was the last remaining opportunity that the Obama Administration had to bring some accountability to those involved in the torture program and Sam wondered if it would take another couple of decades for a real reckoning the crimes of the Bush era. But, first Occupy activist Jeff Smith talked with Sam about the events planned for next week to mark the one year anniversary of Occupy, how the mainstream media coverage of Occupy often ignored the issues that drove the movement, the ongoing police efforts to disrupt people’s right to peacefully protest and why he feels Occupy should stay independent as a movement. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Direct download: 09-13-12-Jeff_Smith-Glenn_Greenwald-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58am EST |