The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Journalist Sharon Lerner joins Sam to discuss the terrifying human costs of DuPont's "chemistry of deception". The dangerous chemical that almost all Americans are exposed to. The danger of teflon. Internal documents and the history of DuPont's deception. The products that since the 1950s have been a danger to public health that DuPont continued to sell to the public and expose its workers to. How the EPA finally finally DuPont and what comes next in the investigation of DuPont. And what comes next for DuPont.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson worked with tissues from aborted fetuses for his medical research in 1992, how will the crazies reacted. Can technology save democracy? Do progressives trust government to much? Transparency coming in teacher evaluations? Why is Lawrence Lessig running for President. And your calls and IMs.

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