The Majority Report with Sam Seder

On today's show Sam caught up with Jack Hitt and Kevin Baker who are in Tampa covering the RNC for Harper's Magazine. Jack and Kevin discussed the many types of lies in the Ryan speech and how even the mainstream media is now finding it impossible to ignore how dishonest he was. Sam noticed that Paul Ryan ran away from his ultra right wing politics and that the speech didn't sound substantively conservative.

Abi Hassen, with The National Lawyers Guild explained that the city of Tampa was onlockdown and looked as if it already had been the victim of a terrorist attack. Sam and Abi discussed how the media always creates a a fear frenzy before protests and how the shutdown of downtown Tampa is impacting the promised economic benefits of hosting the RNC.

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Direct download: 08-30-12-Jack_Hitt-Kevin_Baker-Abi_Hassen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT