The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Milton Allimadi, the publisher of Black Star News joins Michael to discuss Obama’s recent trip to Ghana and Ethiopia. How is Obama energizing African youth and fostering leadership and activism and what that can do for Africa. Why is Africa failing to utilize it’s vast arrays of natural resources and how can it detach itself from it’s colonial history? What is next for the continent?

On The Fun Half: Michael talks about the Middle East, Bernie draws 100,000 supporters across the country for internet rally, Noah the Intern is incapable of speaking into a microphone, Bernie draws 100,000 supporters across the country, prosecutor Joe Deters charges Cincinnati cop Ray Tensing with the murder of Samuel Dubose, Ferguson cops write a black comedy sketch. And of course, we (try) to take your calls, and read your IM’s.

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Direct download: 07-30-15-Milton_Allimadi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EST