The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Journalist Nelson A Denis, author of the new book War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colonyexplains how America took colonial control of Puerto Rico. How the United States claimed to be liberators of Puerto Rico. How the American government rigged Puerto Rico to benefit corporate America. The man who turned Puerto Rico into a crime scene. The strategic importance of Puerto Rico. Pedro Albizu Campos and the revolutionary struggle against colonial occupation of Puerto Rico. The American killing and oppression of Puerto Rican nationalists and labor organizers. When simply owning a Puerto Rican flag could land you in jail. Puerto Rico's debt crisis and why history keeps repeating itself on the island. And why the obvious solutions to Puerto Rico's problems are still blocked by colonial American policies.

On The Fun Half: how to hold corporate Democrats accountable for TPP. What can the next Democratic President accomplish? Ted Cruz backs Donald Trump on immigration. . Donald Trump is doing great in the Republican Primary. Scott Walker slipping and why Jeb Bush might be smiling. Donald Trump goes to war against NBC and Univision. far right Jewish group hires Mexican laborers to protest for them. Also your calls and IMs.

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