The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Sam hosts Jeff Hauser (@jeffhauser) of the Revolving Door project (@revolvingdoorDC) to discuss how Democratic leadership dropped the ball in the down-ballot races and what Biden can do to improve the lives of Americans.

On today's show: Trump supporters want to count votes in AZ and stop the count of votes in Michigan (SPLIT SCREEN). Trump protests chanting "Fox News sucks!" at Maricopa County elections facility.

Sam hosts Jeff Hauser (@jeffhauser) of the Revolving Door project (@revolvingdoorDC) to discuss how Democratic leadership dropped the ball in the down-ballot races and what Biden can do to improve the lives of Americans. The issues with making the election a referendum on Trump's character and how that screwed down ballot races. What Pelosi thought she was doing with the "message bills" vs what actually happened. The Democrats' poor understanding of political theater. How Pelosi and Schumer see the world. What the left can do to give the Biden admin a spine and get it to take action on progressive issues.

On the fun half: Claire McCaskill says Democrats lost because they care too much about marginalized groups. Tucker Carlson says Michigan vote count is a mess because it's happening in Detroit. A Florida organizer on how they passed the $15 minimum wage referendum. Tom Friedman says possible best outcome is a Biden presidency and GOP Senate. Plus, your calls and IMs!

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