Mon, 21 September 2020
Sam hosts USC Law Professor Jody Armour (@niggatheory) to discuss his new book N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law and the importance of eradicating anti-black bias in America. On today's show: 2016: Lindsay Graham "use my words against me" says he wouldn't appoint a nominee so close to a general election. 2018: Graham reconfirms his statement that he won't confirm a new SCOTUS nominee in an election year. Tweet: Graham says he changed his mind because Dems tried to block Kavanaugh. Sam hosts USC Law Professor Jody Armour (@niggatheory) to discuss his new book N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law and the importance of eradicating anti-black bias in America. The class distinction masquerading as a moral distinction in black respectability politics. The destructive impact of these ideas on the fight for racial justice, particularly with regard to police and prisons. How Obama represents the limits of respectability politics. The need for our criminal justice system to move away from retribution and towards restoration and rehabilitation, even in cases of interpersonal violence. On the fun half: Nancy Pelosi offers very little other than "go vote" to save RBG seat from GOP Senate. Pelosi says Dems have arrows in their quiver to protect democracy... asked if she will use them Pelosi says "good morning" and that she's not considering packing the court, wants Trump to "see the light." Saturday: Biden appeal to GOP senators after RBG death: "please follow your conscience." Stephanie Ruhle miffed that Biden is making his campaign "Scranton v. Park Ave." Jimmy Dore says Dems are posturing over RBG death because they have approved other Trump judges. 2016 Jimmy and Sam on "the moon in Lake Michigan," Sam points out the case of RBG. AOC says go vote and not here to cast moral judgement, voting for Biden is about democracy surviving. Jon Ossoff campaign supercut of 2016 David Purdue destroying 2020 David Purdue's stance on confirming SCOTUS judges. Trump jokes about Bemidji Minnesota having a large refugee population. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out the Brand New Majority Report Merch Shop (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: The AM Quickie is now on YouTube! Subscribe to the AM Quickie at Make the AMQ part of your Alexa Flash Briefing too! You can now watch the livestream on Check out today's sponsor: Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s newsletter at Check out The Nomiki Show at Subscribe to Matt Binder's YouTube channel at Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @BF1nn
Direct download: 9_21_N_gga_Theory__Race_Language_Unequal_Justice_and_the_Law_w__Jody_Armour_-_pub.mp3
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