Mon, 22 July 2019
On today's show: Ron Johnson says "love it or leave it" wasn't racist in the 60s. White House's Mercedes Schlapp: Trump is not a racist, he "stands with the people who support him." Stephen Bannon: core of Trump's platform is "deconstruction of the administrative state." Sam breaks down how Trump's been doing this and the threat it poses. On the fun half: John from San Antonio on the latest primary polls. Con Ed foists intentional blackout on Canarsie; residents are pissed. Stephen Miller tells Chris Wallace Omar and squad are not patriotic, calling the country "garbage;" Chris Wallace pulls up old Trump tweet where he says the same thing about Obama. Cole James Cash on his impending Jesse Lee Peterson appearance. Mimi Rocha says Bernie Sanders makes her skin crawl. Dave Rubin destroyed by orbs and logic. Greg Abbott signs Texas Chik Fil A "free speech" bill into law. TP USA graphic is helping to abolish the electoral college. Hong Kong mob of "white shirts" beat up protesters who want greater autonomy from China. Check out today's sponsors: ThirdLove knows there’s a perfect bra for everyone, so right now they are offering my listeners 15% off your first order! Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra. The Embark Dog DNA Test Kit looks at over 250 breeds and 170 genetic health conditions to help you best care for your pup: Go to and use promo code MAJORITY to save 15% off your Dog DNA Test Kit Become a member today at Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Chicago Live Show, with special guest Chuck Mertz of This is Hell on August 24th here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips. And check out Year Of Lead, a new book on Brazil with an introduction by Michael Brooks! Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or via your favorite podcast app. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @BF1nn |