The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Today, on Casual Friday, Digby joins the Majority Report to discuss the latest Trump tactics as we slam into Tuesday's midterms, and then Andy Kindler makes his Majority Report return to breakdown Dennis Miller's current relationship with the conservative movement. We're live at 12:00 pm ET.

Digby and Sam kick off Majority Report's 8th birthday show talking about cassettes, 8 tracks, and AM radio before diving into the news of the week.  Digby lays out how Trump's rhetoric became so over the top in the weeks leading up the midterms. The president's pollsters convinced him Republicans could keep the house, and, Trump being the excitable child he is, went to the well for more fear-mongering and appeals to racism. But, after the recent spate of race-driven terror attacks, Trump realized he lost the house. Now, Trump is just trying to salvage the Senate for the GOP. Sam and Digby then breakdown Trump's latest statements on the refugee caravan and what it means when the president of the United States says armed soldiers can shoot rock throwers.  If the Democratic Party takes back the house, how will Dems consolidate power and keep those Republican voters in the Democratic caucus--what happens when you expand the Democratic tent beyond the likes of Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly? Finally, Sam and Digby consider the National Archive's decision to release Leon Jaworski's grand jury indictment suggestion from the Watergate investigation. The report is a roadmap for Mueller to suggest indictment depending on the findings from his investigation.

Sam is then joined by Andy Kindler where they catch up with their old buddy Dennis Miller and his new comedy special. Sam explains the Jacob Wohl conspiracy kerfuffle to Kindler, who can't believe what's going on with this 20-year-old spymaster. And finally, rounding out Friday's trio of conservative idiots, the guys review Bill O'Reilly's rant over how the media describes George Soros.

And in the Fun Half: a Holy War manifesto written by Washington state Representative Matt Shea, Kornacki and John from San Antonio are sharing a brain on polling expectations, Sema Verma explains her tasteless Medicare for All Halloween joke on Boris Epshteyn's show, the tautology of "Originalism" constitutional philosophy, canvassing for centrist Democratic candidates, Jay in New Haven takes a stroll down MR memory lane, what happened on Halloween, when YouTubers don't do their homework while critiquing MR. Plus your calls and IMs!

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Direct download: 11-02-18-Digby-Andy_Kindler-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST