The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Dave Weigel (@daveweigel ) of the Washington Post (and his new newsletter, The Trailer) joins MR to talk about the end of the 2018 primary season. Weigel breaks down yesterday's Rhode Island primary which saw a centrist Democratic governor, Gina Raimondo, defend her ticket against Matt Brown, a Sanders-styled progressive. Weigel and Sam then break down the last series of primaries in New York, including Cuomo v. Nixon and Zephyr Teachout's chance to win the democratic ticket for Attorneys General. Cuomo has continued to tack left in the face of Nixon's challenge.  Weigel then breaks down the AG race in NY that is a 3-way race with Maloney, James, and Teachout all within a chance to win. Teachout has struck fear in Cuomo, Weigel floats the idea that there are New York voters who will vote for Teachout with the hope that she will impeach Cuomo. As for Maloney, his position as a swing district representative is problematic. If Maloney were to win the AG primary, the Democratic party would need to fill his spot on the NY-18 ballot.

Weigel then breaks down the 2018 midterm democratic messaging, "Republicans will take your healthcare away." Republicans are floundering with how many candidates in midterms are tied up in ACA repeal lawsuits across the country. But what's more surprising is that GOP leadership is planning to repeal the ACA but magically keep all the parts constituents enjoy in the ACA, including coverage for preexisting conditions. And in the Senate, Wiegel says McConnell is signaling to donors that they need more funds, as the most recent round of polling has shown GOP candidates are not pulling away in races they thought they would.

And in the Fun Half: Dave Rubin slams Sam in a Playboy feature, Kavanaugh and the pro-life vote, progressives getting shutdown in Maryland, Rick Santorum calls out "the country of Puerto Rico" for its lackluster response in dealing with its own crisis, Raygun calls in with flawless logic about why Puerto Rico is an island, why is America warehousing migrant children, our addiction to military industrial jobs, Dana Rohrbacher is standing up to Chinese people who eat dogs, Kevin McCarthy is out to get Big Tech...for silencing Republicans, will Obama endorse Gillum in Florida, why doesn't MR enter the armed-insurrection discourse, how the unions are reacting to the fissuring of New York political structures on the left,

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Direct download: 9-12-18-dave_weigel-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST