Tue, 28 August 2018
Today writer Daegan Miller (@DaeganMiller) joins us to discuss his new book, 'This Radical Land: A Natural History of Dissent.' Fun half returns next Tuesday. What is radical environmentalism? How freedom and justice require environmental ethics, and how the social and natural can't be understood apart from each other. Exploitation as a fundamental to both social and environmental justice. Thoreau and the ethics of surveying. Timbuktu and the legacy of African-American pioneers.
For members: Air America throwback (2/11/2005), Sam and Janeane interview Eugene Mirman, Eddie Izzard, Flight of the Concords, and Stewart Lee live from the HBO Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at justcoffee.coop with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at https://BetterHelp.com/Majority Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at supportprisonerresistance.noblogs.org/nationalprisonstrike2018/ and donate at https://fundly.com/2018-prisoner-strike Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, in your favorite podcast app, or at youtube.com/theantifada Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |