Mon, 16 April 2018
On today's show: Libertarian economist finds regulations have no negative impact on business dynamism. Trump addresses nation on Syria strikes. KY governor Matt Bevin claims kids will be poisoned and molested because teachers are striking. Why the Democratic Party is supporting the current wave of teacher strikes. The crew discusses Cynthia Nixon's chances of beating Andrew Cuomo to become governor of New York, what's going on with unions and the Working Families Party, and how progressive Nixon would be in office. On the fun half: The Mooch is offended on behalf of Italian-Americans that Comey compared Trump to a mob boss. Comey says Trump is morally unfit to be president, upsetting Fox and Friends. Starbucks has two black men arrested for the crime of sitting down and waiting for their friend. The absurdly well-funded reach of the conservative Young Americans Foundation. Alex Jones "sick" over air strikes in Syria, says Trump has betrayed him. Eddie Glaude says our country is in decline because of Trump. Joseph Ballin finally quits MR. Sam's opinion on Dennis Kucinich. Conservatives aren't the only ones on campus whose free speech is being threatened. Sam defines "business dynamism." How to win over working class Trump voters. Why is Matt Bevin so sure that kids left home alone are getting molested? Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, Harry's razors: Visit to score a gift set for just $13. Get 10% off fair trade coffee (including the famed MR blend) at JustCoffee.Coop with coupon code 'Majority.' The Northwest Immigrant Rights Project continues to do amazing work, but thanks to Jeff Sessions they’re poised to lose a major source of funding. Please consider donating what you can here. Check out The Michael Brooks Show here. Check out Jamie’s new podcast, The Antifada, here. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |