The Majority Report with Sam Seder

On today's Majority Report, Jack Schneider, a professor of education at College of the Holy Cross, joins us to discuss why test scores alone are not a good indicator of school quality. After growing weary of seeing state data used improperly, he came up with a new metric that takes into account many factors including a school's teachers, culture, academics, resources, and services geared towards students' character and well being. Schneider also explains why some charter schools produce better test scores, yet see larger numbers of their students drop out once they get to college.

On the fun half: Ronald Raygun critiques Sam's looks, Tammy apologizes to Janeane, SNL is fomenting a "leftist" revolution to bring back President Obama, Greg complains about our unfair treatment of libertarians, Jeff from GA is opening a library in Sam's name, more on the downsides of charter schools, Sam debunks the notion that raising taxes on grad students will drive down tuition, and James O'Keefe tries to "gotcha" WaPo with a fake Roy Moore accuser and fails miserably.

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Direct download: 11-28-17-Jack_Schneider-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST