Tue, 7 November 2017
Take our survey @ majoritysurvey.com On today's show, journalist David Neiwert joins us to discuss Donald Trump and the rise of the radical right. From his years spent reporting on the topic, Neiwert concludes this sentiment has been building for years and Trump is only the most recent apotheosis of it. While some people trace upticks in hate crimes to economic shifts, Neiwert holds that they rise due to demographic shifts that bring whites into contact with unfamiliar people and cultures. He next discusses the components of right wing authoritarianism, or RWA, a variable used to describe authoritarian and/or fascist behavior based on a multi-factor personality type. Finally, he explains the difference between the "alt-right" and straightforward neo-Nazis. On the fun half: Callers describe the level of voter turnout in their various locales, Carter Page calls in to defend himself, Congressman Jim Himes discusses Carter Page on "Morning Joe," Ed Gillespie positions himself as the anti-pedophilia candidate in Virginia, Trump refuses to apply "extreme vetting" to those seeking to buy guns, Ainsley Earhardt thinks church is the best possible place to get murdered, and we discuss whether Tim Black was really hacked. Don't forget to vote, folks! From a listener: "Hello! We call ourselves the International Polling Superfecta. We are a collection of MR supporters who are interested in data analytics. After compiling a poll of the Virginia governors race from October 30th to November 1st, we have the following results. Northam leads Ed Gillespie 55% to 45%. It was collected from a 666 Google opinion survey conducted on Android. We weighed the results based on the turnout of different ages from the 2013 governor's election provided by the CNN exit poll to compensate for age biases that could be contained in the results. When results say "Democrat", note that it refers to respondents who selected Northam, and Republican refers to Gillespie. One final warning: Both the last governor and senate elections saw the Democrats severely under perform their polling. One should keep that in mind when viewing these results." Check out the data here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XfSjrjL4J2B2fDWop5ODZ4sNBQANmmpUS6lSNRXAk2g/edit#gid=1734894587 Check out todays sponsors! And right now, you too can enjoy the Stamps.com service with a special offer that includes a 4- week trial PLUS postage AND a digital scale without long-term commitments Stamps.com enter MAJORITYREPORT. Policygenius.com! Policygenius lets you compare life insurance from the top providers in online. And Brooklinen! Check out this deal! Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code [ majority ] at Brooklinen.com |