The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Phillip Longman, former policy director and managing editor at New America's Open Markets, joins us to discuss his piece in Democracy Journal, "Time to Fight Health-Care Monopolization." How current healthcare should be seem as corporate welfare. The trouble with mergers. The role of vertical integration. How the American defense contracting industry is like a single-payer system.

On the fun half - Cory Booker is out and proud in support of Bernie's Medicare for All, Steve King, Breitbart, and Hannity are all upset about Trump's possible DACA deal, ancho babies aren't a thing, Alex Jones sidekick reads scripture after being dunked on by a teen girl.

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Direct download: 9-14-17-Phillip_Longman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST