The Majority Report with Sam Seder

The Republicans next push to destroy Obamacare and Rand Paul reveals his religious faith in the market.

Michael A. McCarthy, an assistant professor of sociology at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and author of Dismantling Solidarity: Capitalist Politics and American Pensions since the New Deal, explains the history of Social Security. labors power and weakness during the Truman era. The politics of who controls pension fund money. Pensions and the private. How private pensions have led to the race the bottom in workers standards. The Reagan era and the 401k. Expanding Social Security and inequality. Undermining solidarity, capitalism and how we design welfare and why we are regressing to a time before the modern welfare state.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump talks about health care with Pat Robertson. Sam debates a Jimmy Dore fan with a Phd. Orlando cop profiles a black woman and sees she is a state attorney and he gets really friendly. Conservative claims that we talk about slavery to much. The Betsy DeVos assault on Public Education and your calls and IMs


Direct download: 07-13-17-Michael_McCarthy-PUB.mp3
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