The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Republicans move to strip healthcare from millions.

New Yorker staff writer and author of Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street, Sheelah Kolhatkar, explains the history of hedge funds and what they contribute and don't contribute to the economy. Why hedge funds get away with paying incredibly low taxes. How hedge funds, helped warp the economic cycle. Who is Stevan Cohen and why his criminal conduct matters. What was suspicious about Steve Cohen's trading? How Cohen's criminal conduct was discovered. The failed drug innovation that Cohen profited from. How Steven Cohen got away with it? And why the government didn't bring a criminal case against Cohen.

On The Fun Half: revisiting the voting for lesser of two evils debate. Patrick Leahy questions James Comey on the New York FBI's office and helping the Trump campaign. Al Franken wants to know if bigots across the country are encouraged by Steve Bannon being Trump's chief strategist. Code Pink activist is convicted of a crime for laughing at Jeff Sessions. Police abuses under Jeff Sessions and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

Direct download: 05-04-17-Sheelah_Kolhatkar-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST