Fri, 4 November 2016
1459 - Cliff Schecter: the GOP Attack on Democracy: The Good Liars: the Best Political Pranks of 2016 & Andy Kindler
The Law might finally be catching up with Chris Christie and Sam is incredibly happy. Cliff Schecter explains the corruption of the New York FBI Office and why it is targeting Hillary Clinton. Is the Presidential race getting closer? Is our Democracy under attack from the Republican Party? Will voter suppression win Wisconsin and North Carolina for the Republicans? Why Democrats need to get rid of the Filibuster. Is America headed to Civil War? And why the Clinton email scandal is a big nothing. The Good Liars (Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler) who we have been following the whole elections cycle join us to discuss their new Netflix special Undecided. The Liars talk about shooting guns with Rick Santorum. The time Jeb Bush's campaign manager cursed the Good Liars. How the Good Liars fooled campaigns and when Carl Cameron lied on Fox News. The time the Liars went to Occupy. How a stunt with Donald Trump led to a full movie and why Jesse Waters is the worst. Andy Kindler responds to Melania Trump calling out bullying on social media. Why Kindler hates CNN. Who has enabled Trump the most? Mark Halperin gets burned by Brian Williams. More Kindler Twitter battles. Trump's Hindi and Eric Trump thinks that David Duke deserves a 'bullet" in the head. The Green Party isn't making a smart case. Peter Theil is dangerous and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors! Children International and
Direct download: 11-04-16-Cliff_Schecter-Good_Liars-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST |