The Majority Report with Sam Seder

We'll be talking with Ari Paul (@AriPaul) on the release of the Uk's Chilcot report on the Iraq War  Jeremy Corbyn's response to the release of the Chilcot report and how it pertains to the failed Labour coup attempt against him. The struggle to hold police accountable in the United States.

Then Jimmy Dore (@Jimmy_Dore) on police brutality and accountability. "Sorry, Not Sorry" Tony Blair. Chilcot Report reaction. Tony Blair possible sleeping with Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife.

On the fun half: Baton Rouge police are flying camera drones but can be warded off with private property. Who will replace Roger Ailes at Fox News? The fixation with Hillary by vocal Bernie-or-Busters. 

Direct download: 07-11-16-Ari_Paul-Jimmy_Dore-PUB.mp3
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