The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Chris Savage the  Editor of Eclecta Blog explains the new federal ruling that could slash Detroit's public pensions, Governor Rick Snyder's radical austerity policies, who is Detroit's Emergency Manager Kevin Orr? how the labor unions are working to protect pensions, how the big banks are brutally exploiting Detroit, selling off Detroit's public assets, what caused Detroit's financial collapse, why the neo-liberal attack on Detroit poses a danger for the rest of the country and the greater project privatization.

On The Better Half: Corporate shill "centrist" Democrats attack Senator Warren and take shadowy corporate money, a Tea Party writer says the Pope is making Jesus cry while other right-wingers think the Pope was flipped by the KGB, Scott Walker says to make a Holiday gift to his campaign and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-4-13-Chris_Savage-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST