The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America Senior Fellow Heather Hurlburt explains what led to the resignation of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, why Hagel stumbled as a leader of the Pentagon, the internal politics of the Obama White House, why Hagel will stay on even with Administration officials briefing against him, Hagel and the war on ISIS, what the White House look for in a new Defense Secretary, who the next Secretary of Defense will be? Jane Harman, Michele Flournoy, Jim Webb? Did Chuck Hagel overhype the ISIS threat? And why Heather wants Senator Tim Kaine as our next Secretary of Defense.

President Obama commits combat troops to Afghanistan through 2015 and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani allows night raids or "night operations" again and Israel passes a bill defining Israel as a "Jewish State".

On The Fun Half:  Andrew Cuomo won't say what causes global warming, the House Committee Report on Benghazi clears the Obama Administration of wrong doing, Chuck Hagel didn't want a Gitmo detainee released because of a discredited Fox News report, Rudy Giuliani says cops wouldn't have to patrol black neighborhoods because black people kill each other so much and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-24-14-Heather_Hurlburt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST