The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Cliff Schecter explained when the right went nuts, the modern infrastructure of the Republican movement, how guns became a social issue, what the White House is considering on Gun Control, how the NRA suppressed evidence on the benefits of Gun Control, and how the right-wing con game works.

Huffington Post's Entertainment Editor, Chris Rosen returned to the show after a long absence, things got a little awkward, Chris gives his Golden Globe predictions  and recommended the movie Bernie streaming on Netflix.

And Georgie Congressman Phil Gingrey, half endorses Tod Akin's rape theory, Sam plays a classic bit from the Break Room Live days and your calls and IMs

And keep the conversation going on the morning thread!  

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Direct download: 1-11-13-Cliff_Schecter-Chris_Rosen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST