Wed, 27 July 2011
07/27/2011 Happy Hump Day! The debt deal fiasco rages on…and we have another great guest today to talk to about it! David Weigel, live from an anemic Tea Party Rally, (@daveweigel) of Slate (@Slate) joins us to talk the latest in the screw over the middle class and the poor or "debt" deal. Also on the show, Laura Clawson (@LauraClawson) of the DailyKos(@DailyKos) on the Republican shutdown of the FAA costing our government 30 million dollars a day. Two can’t miss interviews!
Direct download: 07-27-2011-David_Weigel-Laura_Clawson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:51pm EST |