The Majority Report with Sam Seder

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The US Air Force admits their crews have been staying a Trump's struggling Scottish resort a lot more since he became president.

Meanwhile, Corey Lewandowski is set to become the first Trump associate to have a public hearing with House Judiciary Committee.

And lastly, Hong Kong warns the United States Congress to stay out of their affairs after thousands of demonstrators march on the U.S. Consulate on Sunday to appeal for support from Washington.


Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford formally announced his bid to challenge President Donald Trump for the White House on Sunday. He faces long odds in a fractured Republican Party.

CNBC reports that JPMorgan has created an index to track and quantify Trump’s tweets and their impact on bond volatility and the financial market.

Reuters is reporting that nearly a week after Hurricane Dorian made landfall, some 70,000 people are in need of food and shelter. Private forecasters estimated that some $3 billion in insured property was destroyed or damaged in the Caribbean.

And lastly, a Texas man was arrested in New York City on Saturday after he attacked the famous Wall Street bull with homemade banjo while screaming 'Fuck Donald Trump,' leaving a hole in its horn.

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