The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks talks about the resistance and what happens to the center-left in the Trump age. Opposition to Bush and Trump. Why Trump still popular with his supporters? Are Democrats fighting well?  Obama's terrible record on the banks  and how to beat establishment Democrats.

Javier Lopez, an attorney, with Kozyak Tropin Throckmorton, explains the unbelievable story of cuban american citizen who wasn't allowed on a carnival cruise. the evolving relationship between Cuba and the United States and the embargo and Cuban American politics.

Chris Paulos an attorney with Levin Papantonio, explains the dangers of the antipsychotic Abilify and why so many pharmaceutical companies lie to the FDA. Why the FDA does not have enough resources to monitor drugs. The side effects of Abilify. How Bristol Myers Squib got doctors to prescribe Abilify for conditions the drugs were not designed for. Using the first amendment to mis-prescribe drugs and the importance of the false claims act.

Steve Mnucchin, will not explain why Trump's tax plan is basically a tax plan for Trump. There is no corporate taxes trapped oversees.  Bill O'Reilly talks flirting.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

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Direct download: 04-27-17-Sam_Seder-Las_Vegas-PUB.mp3
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