The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Becky Bond the Political Director of this months sponsor Credo Mobile, explained Credo's history and why its outsider progressive approach is possible, the success of the Credo Super Pac in 2012, Credo's role in the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security and how Credo puts your dollars to work for good.

Filmmaker Ken Burns talked about hia new Documentary The Central Park Five, explained why five black and hispanic teenagers were convicted of a brutal crime they didn't commit, how the language and imagery of Jim Crow America, drove media coverage of the case, why the exoneration of the five received so little press attention and what the case of the Central Park Five says about all of us.

On The Better half: The Texas Legislature punishes Planned Parenthood and it backfires, Justice Scalia wants to know if we can't discriminate against Gay people, can we really oppose murder? And Michelle Bachman returns with some new amazing crazy.

And keep the conversation going on the morning thread!  

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Direct download: 12-12-12-Ken_Burns-Becky_Bond-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EDT